Hospital Security

Hospital security officers have many duties, but their main priorities are to provide a high level of client service and high visibility. A safe and secure environment where one must detect security issues, manage escalating behaviours to keep patients, visitors, and hospital staff safe, and maintain public safety and order on-site at hospitals or medical centres. Our fully licensed and experienced Security officers monitors the hospital premises, including entry and exit points and detect any suspicious activity. Protects hospital staffing and patients against external and internal violence aggression or threat. Our team of hospital security specialists are trained in mental health, aged care, and emergency departments. Our key focus is the safety of hospital guests, doctors, nurses and employees. Our security consultants understand the professional level of security required for this industry. Some of the services Gmax Proactive Security offers are:

  • Customer service functions in the hospital
  • Locking and unlocking of hospital facilities & car parks
  • Directional assistance for quest and clients
  • Ability to mitigate and defuse risk situations
  • Abusive visitors or patients escorted from the hospital
  • Maintain a strong security presence whilst minimising risk to patience and hospital employees
  • Attending emergency Codes
  • Assist police & emergency services when required
  • Basic orderly duties and support role throughout hospitals
  • Conflict resolution
  • Theft prevention
  • Confined space emergency response
  • Other services as required